Strength Power Accelerated Resistance Cardio - Lose fat. Build muscle. Gain strength. Increase metabolism. Improve power. SPARC does it all, more safely, because it’s biomechanically refined – providing exceptional results with low impact. Life Fitness SPARC Arc Trainer Elliptical’s intuitive “get on and go” design invites all users to simply choose incline and intensity levels, then reach their fitness goals in record time.
Key Features:
- Intuitive and minimal adjustments
- Manual incline adjustment offers three positions that emphasize different muscle groups
- Multiple hand positions allow exercisers to stand straight up or lean into workouts to generate optimal power
- Two Modes of Operation: Circuit Mode and Interval Mode
The Life Fitness SPARC Arc Trainer Elliptical is the ultimate performance trainer for explosiveness and power with no impact stress on the knees or joints. It requires a high-knee and glute driving force which is ideal for developing maximum force and sprint speed.